Secure & innovative IT services for businesses



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Secure & innovative
IT services for
sustainable businesses

digital forensics
Big Data Analytics & Visualisation
Green Consultancy
Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics
Big Data Analytics & Visualisation
Sustainability & Circular Economy

Our offerings

Zelus offers secure, innovative solutions for businesses of any size, from micro SMEs to large industries. We are particularly strong at:

Products and proven solutions


A versatile data visualisation solution which empowers domain experts to discover patterns, behaviours and correlations of data items via an extensible, visualisation-based data exploration environment.

Forensics Timeline Analyser

The Forensic Timeline Analyser provides an intuitive and effective way to organise and visualise digital evidence in an interactive timeline which unlocks time inspection capabilities and reveals temporal and behavioural patterns.


An anti-phishing framework that leverages AI-enabled policies, real-time spam protection and training tools to protect users from phising attacks.

Easy Network Visualisation

ENV is a network performance monitoring and diagnostic (NPMD) tool providing historical, real-time and predictive analytics of the network availability and performance metrics.

“Solid solutions to support business needs in cybersecurity, data analytics and green transformation”

// current activities

Read Our Latest News

ASME SU prototype

The SU-ASME prototype

The SU-ASME prototype is here! The SU team rose to the challenge of extracting value from the ASME Research Dataset.

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